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Greatest Gift

presence of a loved one it is a priceless gift. it can also be present by letter, telephone, photograph, or fax. but to be on his side, can share feelings, concerns, and love more fully and intensively.
thus, the quality of presence is also important. make attendance as the bearer of happiness.

few people are able to give this gift. because, most people prefer to listen to, rather than have long known that listening to the harmony of human relationships is very determined by the willingness to listen to each other. with attention to every word, indirectly we also have developed the patience and humility. to be able to hear well, make sure the state really relaxed and able to capture what was delivered intact. face to face. no need to interrupt, criticize, much less judgmental. let him finish, it's easy to give an appropriate response after that. should not be discussion or assessment. just a thank-you note will sound sweet to him.

like the words, in the silence there is also a strength. silence can be used to punish, expel, or confuse people. but more than anything, silence can also show our love to someone because it gave her "space". especially when everyday we have become accustomed fond advise, organize, criticize, and even growling.

love someone that does not mean giving us full rights to own or manage the person's life. Can we claim to love someone if we always limit it? freedom is one of the manifestations of love. the meaning of freedom is not "you're free to do all you want." much deeper than that, given the freedom is to give full trust to be responsible for everything that he had decided or done.

who is not happy, if loved ones suddenly appear more handsome or beautiful? look beautiful and shapely is also a gift. not even wrong to give it every day! as well as the beauty of personal appearance.

unconsciously, we often give a negative assessment of the thoughts, attitudes, or actions of a loved one. as if nothing is true of him and only absolute truth in us. this time, try the gift of positive responses. express clearly and sincerely. try to remember how many times you say in the last week
thanks for everything she does for you. Also remember, have praised him. those two things, thanks and praise (and apology) is a wonderful gift that is often forgotten.

not all issues worthy of being a material argument. let alone to be a great hassle. should consider, yes what a messy love affair be sacrificed just because the problem? when thinking about this, it means ready to give the gift of "willingness to budge." okay, maybe upset or angry because it comes late appointments.
but if it happened only once, why must so trigger a protracted quarrel? willingness to yield to wear off the pain can also hearts and invites us to realize that no man is perfect in this world.

believe it or not, the power of the smile is very remarkable. smile, especially given sincerely, could be defrost frozen relations, the encourager in despair, lightening the atmosphere somber, even a troubled soul sedative. the smile is also a requirement to open up the world around us. when was the last time we presented a sweet smile on our loved ones?

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